B0. The subtlest of innuendos often containing obscure references to film noir.





B5. The most obvious of statements or questions where so much direct evidence in apparent that the mental competency of the speaker is drawn into question. Eg. "Are you back?" being asked of an individual who has just returned.

Welcome to The Baker Scale

Occasionally in conversation my friends and I found ourselves having to quantify just how obvious statements or actions by certain individuals really were.  In an effort to efficiently ridicule our fellow man, I have developed this scale along the same lines as The Fujita Scale which measures tornadoes.  Now when referring to a particularly obvious and annoying query by another individual, one can simply say "Oh, it was a B2.", instead of having to repeatedly think of relative instances which can lead to inaccuracy and prolonged descriptions.

Feel free to leave comments or suggestions on the scale and its content.
